Bodies in Motion

leah yerpe black white illustration movement

Leaping from the page in an array of balletic poses and moves, the illustrations of Leah Yerpe are marvelous creations. Sketched beautifully in pencil, she achieves a high level of realism and contrast between light and dark. A native New Yorker, she has exhibited extensively across the US.

leah yerpe black white illustration movement leah yerpe illustration black white leah yerpe black white illustration movement

Leah Yerpe‘s charcoal drawings depict the true beauty and joy of movement. Her work somehow captures the both the constrains of human anatomy, and also the freedom we can experience in our own bodies. Her figures are twisted, but graceful; tightly bound, but free. Her figures’ faces are typically obscured, which leaves their expressions and emotions a mystery. Their poses could represent pain or ecstasy. They could be falling or flying. They overlap like elements in a collage, but the larger image is one of cohesion as bodies blend together to create beautiful new forms.
Culled From illusion
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